
Management simplicity


Scale-out capacity savings


Accessible data


Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing, headquartered in Sydney, Australia, is a leading manufacturer of healthy plant-based foods. Founded in 1898, Sanitarium is credited for pioneering breakfast cereals consumption in Australia and New Zealand, and in more recent times, the introduction of innovative soy foods and liquid breakfasts. The company’s flagship product Weet-Bix™ is one of Australia and New Zealand’s most trusted brands and remains a top seller in both markets.

Sanitarium uses technology to drive it's business faster. The company maintains two sizeable and predominantly virtualized data centers and a 30-member IT staff supports Sanitarium’s 1200+ employees. Alastair Stuart, Infrastructure Services Manager, keeps an eye out for innovative, best of breed solutions that enable the IT team to deliver higher-quality services to the business.

We now use Rubrik to accelerate our test/dev processes. For example, our DBAs would have to build a server from the ground up for our ERP system when initiating upgrades. This is a labor-intensive process. With Rubrik, we can stand it up, test, stand it down within five minutes. Needless to say, our DBAs have been impressed with the speed and ease of Rubrik for test/dev.

Alastair Stuart
Infrastructure Services Manager


  1. Management complexity from outdated infrastructure
  2. Capacity inefficiencies from repository size limits
  3. Lengthy, manual process to locate data


  1. Management simplicity
  2. Capacity savings
  3. Instantly accessible data

The Solution

  1. Automated backup and replication
  2. Cloud archival
  3. Test/dev


“Pairing business needs with resources is a perennial challenge. We’re always looking for ways to do more with less. For instance, our backup infrastructure required a lot of management, from configuring to fine-tuning our hardware and software stacks for optimal performance,” explains Stuart. “We were dealing with troublesome issues such as tape handling difficulties, complexity of configuring several data repositories, and inefficiencies of deduplication across multiple depositories.”


We were dealing with troublesome issues such as tape handling difficulties, complexity of configuring several data repositories, and inefficiencies of deduplication across multiple depositories.

Alastair Stuart
Infrastructure Services Manager



Eliminating legacy pain with Rubrik

In Rubrik, Stuart and the team found a single solution that collapsed a complex backup and recovery architecture through software convergence. Rubrik provided a turnkey appliance that was up and running within minutes while delivering data protection (backup, replication, archival) and expediting test/dev workflows.


Our previous backup solution required us to spend hours on tediously scheduling backup jobs. Rubrik provided a new level of management simplicity that took 20% of a system administrator’s time spent on backup down to 1%.

Alastair Stuart
Infrastructure Services Manager


Going forward with Rubrik

Going forward, the Sanitarium IT team has plans for further integration of Rubrik Cloud Data Management. “We’re looking to add more appliances to support business growth, provide protection at our remote and branch offices, and start managing our remaining physical systems with Rubrik.”


We’re looking to add more appliances to support business growth, provide protection at our remote and branch offices, and start managing our remaining physical systems with Rubrik.

Alastair Stuart
Infrastructure Services Manager

The Results


Management simplicity

“Our previous backup solution required us to spend hours on tediously scheduling backup jobs. Rubrik provided a new level of management simplicity that took 20% of a system administrator’s time spent on backup down to 1%. We can easily automate workflows to our business service level agreements. The time savings we received are now directed towards investigating advanced technologies.”

Scale-out capacity savings

"We were observing massive inefficiencies when storing our data to disk with multiple repositories. Rubrik rectified this issue by providing us with one single, scale-out repository."

Instantly accessible data

“Rubrik provides a search engine that was a game-changer. Our data became highly searchable. With our other backup solution, in order to locate the data, you had to know the exact backup job. Now, we type in a few letters and can access the file or application we need.”

Test/dev acceleration

“The ability to instantly live mount our backups and run the backup off the appliance was another significant advantage. We now use Rubrik to accelerate our test/dev processes. For example, our DBAs would have to build a server from the ground up for our ERP system when initiating upgrades. This is a labor-intensive process. With Rubrik, we can stand it up, test, stand it down within five minutes. Needless to say, our DBAs have been impressed with the speed and ease of Rubrik for test/dev.”