How many times have you heard someone say, “ransomware is on the rise”? 

As redundant as it sounds, that statement continues to remain true year after year as security attacks grow increasingly sophisticated and frequent. On top of encrypting your data to make it inaccessible, modern ransomware strains exfiltrate your data in order to make their extortion even more compelling by threatening to publicly disclose your most sensitive information if you don’t pay up. 

These threats are further exacerbated by the rise of remote work, a shift that broadens the landscape for internal and external threats. A recent Gartner report even showed that ransomware attacks increased 148% in March 2020 with predictions estimating that a business will fall victim to a ransomware attack every 11 seconds. Adding to the stress, cyberattacks can also lead to compliance challenges with the growing number of data privacy regulations.

Mitigating data risk is top of mind for everyone from CISOs to business unit managers. This blog post will focus on two products that are custom built to protect against attacks while supporting compliance with ever-increasing regulations: Sonar and Radar.

Strengthen Your Cyber Resiliency to Combat Ransomware 

When speaking with our customers and community, one of the biggest pain points we’ve identified is the difficulty around quickly recovering from an attack and determining its blast radius. In addition to slower remediation, lack of visibility often means that organizations are forced to perform mass restores of their entire environment, rather than just recovering impacted data, which ultimately leads to higher data loss.

Rubrik Radar was designed to help accelerate recovery to minimize data loss and financial damages. Radar monitors backup data for anomalies that may indicate your data has been attacked by ransomware. In the event of an attack, Radar shows which applications and files were impacted at a granular level. With your backup data safely protected by Rubrik’s native immutability (meaning data stored in Rubrik is never available in a Read/Write format, preventing your backups from being compromised or deleted), customers can execute faster recoveries and minimize data loss.

Minimize Sensitive Data Exposure & Risk 

When it comes to data risk, data governance is proving to be equally as critical as recovery--especially with the imminent rise of data exfiltration. In a report from Coveware published earlier this month, data shows that nearly 50% of ransomware cases include the threat of releasing exfiltrated data in addition to encrypting it. As the report explains, the financial burden of exfiltrated data is essentially infinite since attackers can return for more payments in the future.     

Combating these threats includes having an effective data governance strategy that ensures proper controls and security measures are in place. But executing on this can be hard. Common enterprises challenges include:

  • Lack of awareness and control on where sensitive data sits.

  • Increasing data privacy regulations--GDPR is just the beginning.

  • Too much manual work (spreadsheets just aren’t cutting it).

Enter Rubrik Sonar. With Sonar, easily discover and report on sensitive information, such as PII (Personally Identifiable Information), hiding in your unstructured data. By leveraging existing backup infrastructure, Sonar delivers immediate time to value without impacting production or requiring additional infrastructure. 

We’re also thrilled to announce new enhancements to Rubrik Sonar as part of our Andes 5.3 product release. Our next release of Polaris Sonar will offer visibility into high-risk locations, including sensitive files open to everyone or that contain sensitive data that has not been accessed for a while.

At Rubrik, we’re constantly talking to our customers to dive into their biggest pain points and build simple, powerful solutions. We’re pleased that now over 600 customers are leveraging Radar or Sonar SaaS applications to mitigate data risk and look forward to diving deeper into our upcoming innovations.

Want to see what else is coming up in Andes 5.3? Check out our on-demand virtual deep dive.