
NoSQL Data Protection

Protecting NoSQL databases requires a different approach. Rubrik Mosaic brings simplified data protection to next-generation applications built on NoSQL databases.


Simplify NoSQL Data Protection

Deliver app-consistent data protection, reduce your storage footprint, and control your costs in an ever-growing NoSQL database environment.

App-Consistent Backups

Deliver app-consistent backups with a policy-driven approach. NoSQL database backups are always available in native formats.

Simplicity at Scale

Leverage a software-defined control plane to simplify deployment, configuration, and management of NoSQL databases at scale.

Development Efficiencies

Refresh production data to Test/Dev with any-to-any topology restores. Support compliance, governance, ransomware, and DR.

Any Form Factor, Location, and Cloud


Get the deployment flexibility you need to protect your modern applications. Run Rubrik Mosaic on-premises or in the cloud on physical, virtual, container, or cloud instances.


Stream and Store Backups Anywhere


Stream in parallel and store backups to public cloud, private cloud or NAS. Leverage Rubrik Mosaic as a control plane to manage data across hybrid and multi-cloud environments.



Accelerate Test/Dev


Recover anywhere and to any point-in-time. Accelerate testing and development by restoring only what is needed and deploying any-to-any database topology recoveries. Securely mask sensitive Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise Data.


Empower DBAs and Line of Business Owners

Improve application availability, cloud mobility, development cycles, and storage savings.

Online Backup and Recovery

Backup and recover live with continuous streaming, incremental forever backups and without quiescing.

Enterprise Privacy

Securely mask Cassandra and DataStax sensitive data when providing access to data from backups.

Granular Protection

Backup and recover entire databases or implement protection at the individual table level.

Rubrik Mosaic Solving Data Management for NoSQL

Learn the challenges of backing up NoSQL databases and how Rubrik Mosaic delivers application-consistent data protection.


Trusted by the World's Leading Companies

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