
Reduce Sensitive Data Exposure

Discover, classify, and report on what types of sensitive data resides where and who has access. Zero additional infrastructure required.

Se guardi questo video, fornisci un’autorizzazione esplicita all’acquisizione della tua cronologia di visualizzazione e alla sua possibile condivisione con i nostri affiliati o fornitori di terze parti, i quali potrebbero anche combinarla ad altri dati che raccolgono su di te (ad esempio, l’uso dei loro servizi). Noi e i nostri fornitori di terze parti potremmo utilizzare queste informazioni per mostrarti offerte, promozioni o altri contenuti di marketing che riteniamo possano interessarti.
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Stronger Data Governance

The costs of a data breach and non-compliance with data privacy regulations are increasing. With the surge in data, it’s hard to track at-risk data. Often, this is a time-consuming, manual process. Sonar can automate discovery of certain personally identifiable information (PII) and regulated data hiding in your unstructured data.

Accelerate Compliance

Create an up-to-date inventory to meet current and future regulations and help document what sensitive data resides where.

Implement Access Controls

Gain instant visibility into high-risk files, such as sensitive data with global access, that could be at risk of data breach or insider threat.

Minimize Data Exposure

Identify what sensitive data is potentially exposed in a data exfiltration ransomware attack along with rapid recovery using Rubrik’s core platform.

Instant Baseline

Leverage predefined policy templates as a starting point or create your own to identify common data types from regulations and standards such as GDPR, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and GLBA. Sonar quickly classifies new and modified data without impact to production. 


Automated Search

Search for information by keywords or custom patterns, such as name, social security number, or credit card number, across hundreds of objects via on-demand search to comply with GDPR's Right to be Forgotten, Subject Access Requests, on-demand audits, or security investigations.


Compliance Tracking

Automatically receive alerts on policy violations. Drill-down to a folder or file for granular insights. Allow list locations where sensitive information is allowed to minimize false alerts. Schedule periodic reports to share with executive leadership.


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